
On 1935 the IFFAG&L was recognized as an Association under the name «International Transport Federation Houses Greece".      
On 1977 the name of the Association was changed to «Association of International Freight Forwarders of Greece».      
On 2002 the final name changed and now is «Association of International Freight Forwarders and Logistics Enterprises of Greece» (IFFAG&L).

The strategic objective of IFFAG&L, since establishment until today is to:

  • Promote, protect and develop a sound freight forwarding and logistics industry, as the association may deem appropriate, in close cooperation and consultation with any government or non-governmental authority or the private sector.
  • The development and the facilitation of national and international traffic of the country through the Greek forwarding companies, in cooperation with their partners on abroad, in order to facilitate and serve the commerce for the benefit of the national economy.
  • The representation of Freight Forwarding in general or the representation of the members of the Association in particular, in Greece and abroad (especially public authorities and the various collective bodies).
  • The participation in European and related organizations.
  • Organize trade events and promote members’ participation in commercial events organized by the association and by third parties.
  • Increase number of new members through targeted campaigns to identify and recruit viable prospect candidates
  • Improve the overall professional image of the freight forwarding and logistics industry.
  • The participation in national and international Committees, Councils, conferences and events generally related to the objectives of the Association.

The realization of these objectives is the compass that always guides the current elected administration of the Association.

The IFFAG&L is member of FIATA (International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations) and represent it legally in our country. It is worth noting that the FIATA is the Permanent Council of the United Nations for transport.

The IFFAG&L remains timeless helper, partner and interlocutor with various Greek organizations of productive classes and professional bodies such as the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises, the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Pan-Hellenic Exporters Association, the Federation of Industries Attica and Piraeus and the Greek International Business Association. It promotes to resolve issues and problems relating not only to the operation of the forwarding and logistics companies but supports the demands of operators of commercial and industrial world, which are directly related to the industry.

The main concern of IFFAG&L is to develop the meaningful dialogue with representatives of all stakeholders in private sector, involved in the transport.        
This is because the IFFAG&L isn’t only one registered presence, which continuously follows the development of multifaceted activities of companies - members and, depending on the circumstances, sometimes interferes with the state to achieve legislative arrangements that will enhance the productivity of the industry. Sometimes, also, submits proposals for the adoption of European legislation and practice in order to increase the competitiveness of the industry.    

Recently the IFFAG&L, recognizing and promoting the role that can be played by companies of our industry in the development of trade with the Russian market and the countries of the wider region, was registered as a permanent member of the Greek- Russian Chamber of Commerce.      
Finally, one of the most important activities of IFFAG&L is the educational and training program for the staff of its companies - members, with specific topics and aims at improving their knowledge and capabilities.
Meanwhile, the Administration of IFFAG&L participate in workshops, conferences and events, trying to be a part in each development procedure of the industry and to promote the positions and the proposal of the Association in all decision-making centers .

These activities of IFFAG&L, very briefly mentioned, were the main reasons that enrolled the Association as one of the most reliable partners of the Public Administration both for transport and logistics (Permanent Commission Logistics), for issues of Foreign Trade (Export Council) and for customs procedures and tax regulations.  
So, today, IFFAG&L with its companies - members, through which transfer the majority of freight forwarding, has a strong voice and makes effort to protect the interests of the industry and to ensure operating conditions equivalent to those available to colleagues in European and international area.

137 Syngrou Ave. N. Smyrni 171 21, Athens - Greece +30 210 9317941-2 +30 210 9317940

Βody representing international forwarding and logistics services enterprises.

Ordinary member of Hellenic Federation of Enterprises

Ordinary Member of FIATA

Ordinary Member of Permanent Logistics Committee




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